
Web Developer and SQL Skills

Web Developer and SQL Skills

Introduction and Web Developer Tools

•  Core Web Development Languages
•  Introduction to Text Editors
•  Installing Atom and Brackets
•  Installing Web browsers

Online Development Playgrounds

•  Introduction
•  Codepen
•  JS Fiddle
•  Dabblet
•  Liveweave
•  Plunker

Web Design

•  Introduction
•  Sketching your design
•  Creating files and folders
•  Choosing your assets
•  Working code from

Building Webpage content with HTML

•  What is HTML and Anatomy of an HTML Element
•  Create a basic HTML document structure
•  HTML attributes
•  Marking up text, creating links and comments

Styling a web page with CSS

•  What is CSS and ways to apply CSS
•  Styling multiple properties and elements
•  Basic CSS selectors, CSS comments and CSS inheritance
•  The Box Model
•  Margin, padding and border properties
•  Background color, positioning, and styling of page elements
•  CSS display, and font properties
•  Google fonts

Adding interaction with JavaScript

•  Where to place JavaScript
•  The developer console and Syntax
•  Statements and Expressions
•  Program execution, Input, and Output
•  Variables and variable naming conventions
•  Arrays, data types and operators
•  Arithmetic and assignment operators and operator precedence
•  String, comparison and logical operators
•  Conditional statements
•  Functions and javascript comments
•  Events


•  What project to work on?
•  What to be created
•  Creating directory and files
•  Creating the project structure
•  Adding style
•  Adding functionality

Introduction to SQL

•  What is SQL
•  Database Concepts
•  Choice of Database Management Systems
•  Installing Database and connecting to the database
•  Load sample data

SQL Fundamentals

•  Data Types and Constraints
•  Filtering Data
•  Retrieving Data from a table
•  Removing duplicate records
•  Sorting data
•  The ORDER BY clause
•  Grouping data
•  The Having clause
•  Truncating a Table
•  Using Stored Procedures

CRUD Operations

•  Introduction
•  Create Table Statement
•  SELECT Statement
•  UPDATE Statement
•  DELETE Statement
•  INSERT Statement
•  Subquery

SQL Operators

•  Comparison Operators
•  BETWEEN Operators
•  LIKE Operator
•  NOT Operator
•  OR Operator
•  AND Operator
•  Combining OR | AND Operators
•  IN Operator

SQL Table Joins

•  Introduction
•  INNER Joins
•  LEFT Join
•  CROSS Join


•  Introduction
•  AVG Function
•  COUNT Function
•  MAX and MIN Functions
•  SUM Function

Python Programming

•  Setup and Installing Python
•  Writing First Python Program
•  Datatypes in Python
•  Operations in Python
•  Python Control Statements
•  Loops in Python
•  Input and Output
•  Strings and Characters
•  List, Tuples and Dictionaries
•  Functions
•  Object-Oriented Programming
•  Errors and Exceptions Handling
•  Python I/O – File Handling
•  Database Basics – SQLite 3
•  Projects

This a programming course for beginners: Learn about the
Python3 with hands-on projects.
The course explores the most essential Python programming and Python features:

Basics of programming

Basics of Python programming -> variables, expressions,
printing output
Python operators ->; the assignment, relational, and logical operators
and operations

Python conditionals

Methods and parameters, arguments, and return values
Object-oriented programming -> classes and objects
Encapsulation, inheritance, and abstract classes
Data structures in-depth -> lists, sets, dictionaries, and tuples
Conditionals -> if/else statements and nested if/else
Loops -> for loops, break and continue
Mutability and immutability of Python’s basic types
Built-in and user-defined modules
Errors and exception handling -> try, except, else, and finally
Custom exceptions – raising exceptions and creating and raising custom exceptions
Understanding the basics of databases and working with SQLite3

Our input helps make their solutions stand out from the crowd.